Channel List

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The top level entry (the root folder) generally represents the satellite position (for example Astra 19° East), thus it is displayed as a satellite symbol. Each root contains two subfolders named video (for television channels) and audio (for radio channels). These subfolder again contain subfolders, representing the categories, in which finally the channels are sorted.

Since the list is very flexible, you may rename or resort the folders and channels, delete them or create new ones, as you like. To open or close a folder, simply double-click it. If you double-click a channel, the DVBViewer will switch over to it.

A folder may also be opened by clicking the plus sign located on the left of it. Clicking the minus sign of an already opened folder closes the complete subtree.

A simple mouselick selects the folder or channel for further operations such as delete or edit.

The keyboard allows for urther navigation possibilities:

The keys [¸], [¶], [Home], [End], [page ¸], [page ¶] are moving the selection up and down in different ways - just have a try.

Hitting the [return] key switches over to the selected channel.

The [-] key in the numerical pad closes the selected folder, the [+] key unfolds it. The [x] key in the numerical pad does even more: It opens the selected folder, all its subfolders and sub-subfolders... in order to diplay the whole content.

If you are looking for a certain channel, you may enter a search item in the Search input line. After hitting the [enter] key the next item containing the search item will be displayed and selected. You also may search for a channel with a certain number by entering the number in the right part of the Search input line.