Options Service

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[overview] - Recorder

Service Options.png


With the Drop-Down-List you can adjust the language of the Userinterface of the configuration program and the webinterface. Language changes are applied after a restart of the configuration program.

Don't shut down if a recording is due within (minutes)[edit]

If this option is activated and a recording is due within the set timeframe, the Recording Service tries to block Standby or Hibernate if possible. Also the internal tasks Standby, Hibernate or Power off are not executed.


here you can adjust the process priority of the Recording Service.

Other programs are always prefered. The Recording Service disturb not infuence other programs, but can be easily disturbed by other programs. Not recommended.
Lower than normal
Other programs are prefered. The Recording Service disturb not infuence other programs, but can be easily disturbed by other programs. Not recommended.
The Recording Service has the same priority like most of the other programs. If another program uses a lot of CPU, you can end up with problems in the Recording Service while recording or streaming.
Higher than normal
The priority of the Recording Service is a little higher than most other programs.
The Recording Service has a very high priority compared to other programs. Even if other programs make heavy use of the CPU the Recording Service should not be influenced by it. If the Recording Service uses a lot of CPU power the whole system can slow down.

overview - Recorder